Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Dapet Salam Dari Indonesia ( Part Photo)

Persiapan Terakhir Sebelum Keberangkatan

Stasiun Jebres Solo

Terminal Kota Malang

Asyik bet di Angkutan Umum menuju Pulau

Pemberhentian Pertama ( Kontrakan Goday )

Sarapan dulu karena Gilang Semaput

As Cool as always :)

Briefing Sebelum Tracking

Friend in a ship Friendship

Break ditengah tracking

Mantep Gak sih bro ?

View from boat

Orang dengan bawaan paling banyak

Messed Up !

Break lagi brok cape brok !

Sempet-sempetnya gaya udeh malem juga

Cool !!!!

I'm not the kop

Romantisme dua sejoli

Yusuf Mansyur in style

We aren't a boyband actually

Suku anak dalam

Perfect picture with perfect person, isn't it ?

Gimana bro jalanya gokil kan ?

Whatsapp nigga ?

Persiapan balik bro

Pembersihan tenda

and the end of our journey

These Photos took by Fikri Indra Maulana and Angga Atmaja

These are not just photograph, these have so many memories inside them, you shouldn't get the perfect angle to get a perfect picture just get a perfect moment and perfect person inside it

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